domingo, outubro 19, 2003

Roswell 47

Their freedom was taken away
as they crashed
to be a project of science
The experiment;
We'll make sure it won't last
Unexpected ??? once

The incident was shut up
because national security
was in jeopardy
They say the weather balloon crashed
but we know it's bullshit
We have the right to know
what really happened in
Roswell '47

Shipping back pieces to hangar
to slowly put it together
To find new weapon technology
and maybe answer how to live forever
What freed them spread disease,
chaos and confusion
The energy fields so strong
Will be worth it
but we have the right to know
what really happened
Roswell '47

They came to visit us, a secret
??? really happen
They lost control
and crashed to Roswell 1947...

Têm razão os suecos. Isto do Estado nos tapar a vista já deu o que tinha a dar. Agora até escutas telefónicas nos metem para nos entretermos. Podiam era muito bem fazer-nos compreender claramente cada fenómeno mal explicado, pois assim só nos estamos a atrasar a nós mesmos, enquanto homens e enquanto espécie. Se as sondas se perdem nos confins dos Universo, porque razão nós não poderemos perder o nosso rumo também? Não é a esconder a realidade dos nossos olhos que iremos habitar em torres biónicas, alcançar os fundos dos mares ou conquistar o espaço!

We Will Rise!

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