quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006
Paranoia: suspicious of others until they have proven themselves trustworthy, more doubt than belief, preoccuppied with death and suffering, fears being harmed or controlled, bitter, looks for hidden meaning in things, personality is centered around low self esteem issues, feels misunderstood, thinks people would not like them if they really knew them, defensive, often experiences disgust, love-hate relationships with most things, likes to test people's loyalty, thinks life is overrated, focuses on suffering, feels like an outsider, existentially depressed, does not trust what people say, prone to shame, suffers from depression, knows the dark side of life very well, attracted to things associated with sadness, would rather remain alone than risk rejection, hard to get to know, makes enemies, loner
Artistic: drawn to artistic and cutting edge industries, drawn to careers where creativity is a solitary pursuit, more abstract than concrete, original, appreciates beauty, ideal love seeking, intense, imaginative, introspective, likes indie rock music, prone to an interest in acting, likes art house movies, self expressive, likes to look wierd, pulled to the symbolic and mysterious, likes to perform, prone to keeping a journal, attracted to the counter culture, interested in journalism, odd, trend setter, different, lives an experimental life, prefers shopping at organic markets, attracted to wierdness, more likely to be vegetarian, dislikes the ordinary and non dramatic, feels both special and defective
sexta-feira, dezembro 08, 2006
Grande buraco

Vejam também aonde vão dar
Há situações em que dá vontade de nos enterrarmos num buraco. Ora e se esse buraco fosse até ao outro lado do mundo, onde iríamos dar?
Eu cá ia dar aqui, algures no meio do Oceano Pacífico, junto à costa norte da Nova Zelândia.
Eu cá ia dar aqui, algures no meio do Oceano Pacífico, junto à costa norte da Nova Zelândia.
Vejam também aonde vão dar
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